Forward Step Foundation Treat

Event Start Date:
September 4, 2016
Event End Date:
September 4, 2016
Event Venue:

lovely and productive day for the Forward Step Foundation Treat. We were grateful for the support, we also enjoyed giving back to the community the turn out was great (really felt the love) so please show your support by showing up to future events or just donating to the F.S.F and remember we stand by our motto (Let the hungry be fed, naked clothed, sick nourished, age protected and infant cared for)


There were a few give a ways on the event day such as back to school equipment like bags, books, school shoes and a few more.




Our hearts where overwhelmed with happiness form just the sight of the kids enjoying them self immensely







Craft jewelry which was made from our youths at the F.S.F were placed on display on the day of the treat to show off our youths creativity and talent.



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